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Diamond Valley Community Sleepout 2018

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Diamond Valley Community Sleepout 2018




To support those experiencing disadvantage and hardship in the Diamond Valley area. Together, we can do heroic things!

To find out more about this Vinnies Sleepout event, please visit


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Diamond Valley Community Sleepout 2018

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    St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Inc

    Every day thousands of people from all walks of life turn to the St Vincent de Paul Society in their time of need. Since 1854 the Society has offered a hand up to all who turn to it for assistance, without judgment or prejudice.

    As a volunteer-led organisation, our 40, 000 volunteers across Australia have assisted over 1.8 million people. 

    The work of St Vincent de Paul Society in Victoria includes:

    • • Practical support and material aid worth over
    •    $10m each year
    • • Soup Vans, which provide 240,000 meals every
    •    year to Victoria’s homeless
    • • Kids Camps for disadvantaged youths
    • • Tutoring programs
    • • Migrant and refugee support
    • • Overseas development
    • • Social research and advocacy for the most
    •   marginalised

    With your help, Vinnies can do something about it.

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